Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
Thursday, December 29, 2005

The USS X-1 was the first midget submarine built for the US Navy. It was designed to penetrate enemy harbors and conduct offensive operations, her principal armament was swimmer delivered limpet mines. The sub was first put in service in 1955. It was first designed to be diesel-battery craft by the Portsmouth Navel Shipyard. Later the design was turned over to Fairchild Engine and Aircraft Corp. There the boat was constructed with a partial closed cycle diesel propulsion system using Hydrogen Peroxide for submerged operations. After an explosion in the Hydrogen Peroxide cell in 1957, the Peroxide system was removed. The boat returned to service and completed her useful life as a Diesel-electric sub conducting oceanographic research for the Navel Research Laboratory.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

We have friends that live on a little farm hence the name, “The Little Farm”. Every year just before Thanksgiving the stoves are fired up in the test kitchen to decide what will be in this year’s cookies. The cookies selected are kept top secret until they are packaged and delivered. This year’s batch consisted of 11 different varieties and if my math is correct, 150 dozen cookies were packaged; not including “rejects” that were eaten. Every year a different label is put on the box, each one a collector’s edition. All done round the Christmas rush when they are very busy, as they would say, “Juggling Cats”.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005

Granby, CT – The Cambridge House is a brewpub the just recently opened in Granby, CT. Its Brewmaster is Steven Schmidt, has won multiple awards in the Great American Beer Festival and The Great International Beer Festival. This year Copper Hill Kolsch won a Gold Metal in both festivals and the Abijah Rowe India Pale Ale won Gold in the International Festival. So if you are ever in the area stop by for at award winning brew and tell them you heard about it here.

Sunday, December 25, 2005
Saturday, December 24, 2005

Simsbury, CT - You probably asked yourself, “Self, I wonder what is the largest tree in Connecticut?” Well let me tell you, it is the Pinchot Sycamore; the circumference is 23 feet 7 inches and that was in 1978. The tree was named for Gifford Pinchot, co-founder of the Yale School of Forestry, first chief of the US Forestry Service and Conservation adviser to Teddy Roosevelt. Mr. Pinchot lived from 1865 – 1946

Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Gales Ferry, CT – This is from a sign in front of the “Gales Ferry” that explains how it became and how it got its name.
“In 1740 by act of the General Assembly a ferry was established across the great river of the Pequots from the foot of John Comstocks’ field on the West to this lane in Ralph Stoddard Jr’s field near where John Hurlbert kept his boat. These three were named Ferry Men. A ferry house was built followed by a store and a post office on what became the upper dock. The ferry became known as Gale’s Ferry from Roger Gale who owned the ferry from 1759 to 1764.”

Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Groton, CT - While on my "roadtrip" I went to Groton along the Thames (rhymes with James) River. I went near the submarine base but did not take any photos. After 9/11 the Navy gets a little touchy about that. I wanted to take a photo of the gun ship patroling in front of the base but I thought best of that too. BUT, while driving up the road some I did see this submarine being guided back to the base by a tugboat. A ways back from the sub was a coast guard cutter which I suppose was protecting the sub also. Sorry about the tree, I had to take the photo quickly.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Gales Ferry, CT – I took a road trip today; OK my wife and I went to the casino and from there I went out to take photos while my wife stayed and gambled….happy now. From there I headed south and ended up in Gales Ferry. While there I noticed this on the road (see photo above). I was wondered why this was there, maybe an over zealous alumni? Well, I Googled it and found out that the Yale crew has been coming to Gales Ferry for over a hundred years to practice for the annual four mile rowing race against Harvard. This event is the oldest intercollegiate sporting event in the United States. Next time I am in the area for a “road trip” I hope to take more photos concerning Yale’s Crew Tea

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Yesterday we had the typical mix of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. But today the sun is out. The powdery snow that we once had is now a solid block of ice. It is so hard now that it can even hold up my weight...and it is considerable. It is good for sledding though. Get out the old "Flexible Flyer" and fly like the wind down those hills!

Saturday, December 17, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005