Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Granby, CT - This is a photo of a few of the buildings of the Old Mill Pond Village Shops. It is a grouping of eight buildings, some of which are over 200 years old, in which they sell everything from furniture, to lighting fixtures, to penny candy. The large building in the background is a Christmas Shop; it is huge inside but cozy at the same time. It is a very scenic place just to walk from building to building. In the middle of all the buildings is a mill pond.

Monday, September 26, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Here is another photo from my favorite place take photos, Blossoming Acres in Southwick, MA. I can always find something to photograph here. My wife and I went to buy some gourds to put above our front door and I saw these bottles of vinegar and had to run out to the car to get my camera. It is just one more thing that says autumn to me.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Bennington, VT - Just when you thought it was safe, I come up with more moose. I was looking through my photos to find something to post for Saturday and found these from my trip to Bennington. I really think this is the end of the moose photos.
This moose was in the window of The Village Chocolate Shoppe. It is a Jelly Bean Moose.

Friday, September 23, 2005

I couldn't decide which photo I liked the best so I posted them all (from the photos I really liked). This is a pseudo mill that is in a field in Granville. That is all I am going to say, I don't want to take the mystique out of the photo. Tell me which one you like, I really couldn't decide myself.
This is Number 1

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Northampton, MA - I wrote to the historical society to get permission to print an article about this building but I never got an answer. So, if you like to read more about it you can go to their website. It is such a cool building. You don't see many of these.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005

I was walking my dogs in the state forest and I was taken back by how many leaves had fallen in the last few days. It had been raining for the last few days and knocked some leaves down. The leaves, which have just started turning colors, are littering the trail with what looks like colored confetti.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

A couple weeks ago I was walking with my dogs in the woods and I came upon this stump. It looked as if a bear had been pawing at it looking for grubs. A few minutes later I heard from the woods a thump and then a few minutes later another thump. Fresh in my mind is that stump and I am might be a bear. So of course I walk towards the sound hoping to get a photo just in case it is a bear. My wife is always saying that my last photo I take will be a close-up of the bear's mouth just before he eats me. Anyway, I keep hearing a thump every few minutes but I don't see anything. Now as I am walking toward the sounds they sound closer and closer but I still don't see anything. I feel like Tom Hanks in Castaway on his first night on the island where he hears the thump every few minutes and yells out, "What is that?". In the morning he discovers that the sound is coconuts falling. Well...

Friday, September 16, 2005

Northampton, MA - In 1986 after visiting the Front Street Brewpub in Santa Cruz, CA, brother and sister, Janet and Peter Egelston decided to be brewpub owners. In 1987 they opened the Northampton Brewpub, the second one in the region behind the Commonwealth Brewing Company in Boston. Presently, the Northampton Brewery is the oldest operating brewpub in New England.
The Northampton Brewery is in a restored carriage house, circa 1894. It is located on Brewster Court, a street named after the Brewster family. It is a fun coincidence that "Brewster" is the old English term for a female brewer.
The also started the Portsmouth Brewery and Smuttynose Brewing Company in New Hampshire. After buying each other out, Janet owns the Northampton Brewing Company and Peter owns the other two.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Simsbury, CT - This bridge was originally built in 1892 by J.E. Buddington from New Haven. It is 183 feet long and the roadway is 12 feet wide. In 1992 this bridge was replaced by a new bridge. In 1995 the bridge was restored with 80% Federal funds at a full cost of $400 thousand dollars.
Inspired by Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls, MA, a group of Simsbury residents started to plant a garden on and around the bridge in 1996. It is now enjoyed by walkers, bikers, picnickers, anyone who just wants a peaceful place to go, even a photographer/blogger.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Northampton, MA - Every time I walk down this street it reminds me of houses in Belgium. I'm not exactly sure why, maybe it is the architecture or the lace curtains in the windows. All I know is that these are very nice houses and if I were to live in the "city" I don't think I would mind living in one of these houses. Coincidently, the Northampton Brewery is just down the street. I will show a photo of that soon.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

New Haven, CT - This memorial commemorates the 1839 case of the Amistad, a slave ship that was taken over by the slaves and the Captain killed. A synopsis of what happened: there was a trial to determine the fate of the slaves. It had to be determined if they were property or free men. The trails went as far as the Supreme Court and their case was argued by John Quincy Adams. It was determined that they were captured and held against their will illegally. They were eventually freed and shipped back to their homes in Western Africa.
The sculptor was Ed Hamilton, the sculpture was completed in 1992.
This side depicts Sengbe Pieh in Africa before being kidnapped.