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New England Photos

A photo essay of life,sights and history in New England. Including some of the lesser known things and some of the down-right obscure. A new photo added every one to two days. Click on the photos to see a larger picture. There are more pictures in the archive.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005


New Haven, CT - This memorial commemorates the 1839 case of the Amistad, a slave ship that was taken over by the slaves and the Captain killed. A synopsis of what happened: there was a trial to determine the fate of the slaves. It had to be determined if they were property or free men. The trails went as far as the Supreme Court and their case was argued by John Quincy Adams. It was determined that they were captured and held against their will illegally. They were eventually freed and shipped back to their homes in Western Africa.
The sculptor was Ed Hamilton, the sculpture was completed in 1992.

Info: www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/amistad/AMISTD.HTM

This side depicts Sengbe Pieh in Africa before being kidnapped.
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