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New England Photos

A photo essay of life,sights and history in New England. Including some of the lesser known things and some of the down-right obscure. A new photo added every one to two days. Click on the photos to see a larger picture. There are more pictures in the archive.


Thursday, May 06, 2010


I thought I better start posting on the blog before people start thinking I abandoned it. I have been lazy and have spent time posting on my other blog The Grange House. But last week I had a real reason to not post, I spent five days in the hospital with some complications from getting some kidney stones lasered out. I will also be spending next Tuesday and Wednesday in the hospital getting some more work done. So here are a few photos I posted on "The Grange House" but will work here also.

Here are two Brown Bats hanging out in my new house. There has been a disease going around called, "White Nose Syndrome" which is killing a large amount of bats in this area. Judging by these photos, I don't think these bats have this malady...at least not yet. The former owner said that he has counted 65 bats coming out of the building at one time. I have only seen three bats at a time but judging by all the guano(Bat poop), there are more than the three I saw. I can't wait until we can seal up the building and put in "Bat Tubes", devices that let the bats out but not in. There are enough places in the area they can go, old barns and such. I hope these bats have don't get this,"White Nose Syndrome". It is nice to have them around, just not in my house.

Another bat hanging out by himself.

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