Freund's Farm Market

East Canaan CT - With a sign that says, "Do you need Pie Therapy?",how could I not stop. Freund's Farm Market is chock full of stuff from baked goods, gifts, tee shirts, flowers, you name it. They even do catering, if you are having a wedding they can do the food, flowers, and can even supply the Justice-of-the-Peace. Click ==>HERE<== to go to their website.

This is the side of the building, just walk through the flowers to the entrance.

A large supply of gifts,you can even buy "Cow Pots" made with composted cow manure. For these pots they won a green thumb award in 2007 from the Mail Order Gardening Association.

Here is my favorite...Baked Goods. I did not go for the "Pie Therapy" just Cookie Therapy that day.

My choice, a very thick Oatmeal Cookie with three kinds of fruit baked inside.

The Chickens.

The fruits of the chicken's labor...Rachel's Radiant Eggs, Fertile, Fresh, Free Range, and other "F" words.

Last but not least, the greenhouse overflowing with wonderful plants.
Click Here for Link to their Website
Labels: Bakery, chickens, Country Store, Eggs, Farm Stand, Plants
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