Strolling of the Heifers - 2010
Brattleboro, VT - Another Strolling of the Heifers. This year I decided to do something different, at least for my first day of posting (I will post more tomorrow), I decided to do some up close and personal shots. I usually don't take close ups of people. But the stroll is a target rich environment for interesting characters.

The Dairy Godmother, she and her helper who sprinkles fairy dust are some of the entertainment before the parade.

A cow head.

A masked cow head

I'm not sure what was up with the feathered trunk? proboscis? She was walking around with stilts.

Hey! Stop taking my photo.

A fruit and a vegetable; they and their friends were, lets say picking up after the heifers. I guess they will have plenty of fertilizer for themselves.

This person had a very good view.

He was after the cheese.

This guy was driving his tractor, pulling a float.

Bubble Head

The person in this suit must have been very hot. I did notice that this person could really jump, I wonder if it was filled with Helium?

Playing the washboard in a band.

Ski Jump cow, who said they can't jump?

Mooie Armstrong, walking in front of a Jazz Band.

Bringing up the rear of the dragon.

Is that Herald the Heifer?

A Farmall Tractor Guy.

Trumpet Cheese Head

Another Cheese Head

It's a Food Revolution

Having fun playing the piano


Big Mouth Jazz Guy

Push the Cart

Showing off the Milk Moustache

I believe this women is protesting the Vermont Yankee Power Plant.

This women was one of the protesters, she looked real cool with the goggles and makeup but I could never get her to look my way.

Hey, that statue winked at me!
I will have more photos tomorrow.
Labels: Brattleboro VT, Cows, Parade, Strolling of the Heifers
Great shots! Wish we had gone there! Looking forward to more photos!
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