Frank and Joel at Sandisfield Arts Center

Sandisfield, MA - I saw these signs along the road, they are reminisent of the old Burma Shave signs. They are advertising the performance of Frank and Joel Brown at the Sandisfield Art Center. All I know about them is Joel plays the Guitar and Frank plays the Clarinet and they play swing era music. If you click on the link below and look in past performances there is a better description of Frank and Joel. Speaking of Burma Shave, I remember a "Burma Shave like ditty in Mad Magazine when I was a kid(many years ago), Beer Cans along the roadside...are litter people say...but at night...they shine so safely guide the way...Burma Shave. Well, as my mother used to say, "Why can't you remember your studies that well?"

This is the Sandisfield Art Center. In 1839 it was built as a Baptist Meeting House and remaind that way for 83 years and then became the only known rural Orthodox synagogue on record in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for another 75 years. In 1995 a group of people got together to save the building and turned it into a non-profit performing arts center. Read more about it and future and past performers here Sandisfield Arts Center

It is on the National Register of Historic Places.
Labels: Art, Historic Buildings, Musical Instruments, Sandisfield MA
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