Hooping Harmony - Hula Hooping

Hooping Harmony Corp. was started by the mother-daughter team of Ariana Shelton and Laura Marie. Their resumes' are quite impressive, here is the "Reader's Digest" version. Laura Marie, the daughter, is a jewelry designer, inventor/creator, dance teacher, impassioned movement artist, and raw chocolate fairy. Ariana Shelton, is a motivational speaker and workshop leader, a holistic health practitioner, life and spiritual coach. Since childhood she has demonstrated clairvoyance and healing abilities which led to a life path of becoming a Reiki Master. This is just the beginning of their abilities and accomplishments. Go to their website to read the full story at Hooping Harmony

I met this dynamic duo at a company picnic where I tried my luck at "hooping". They gave me Big Bertha or something like that, they have names for some of the hoops. Large hoops are easier to learn on and as their website says, " Size Large is for someone 5' 6" tall or taller or have "generous body proportions" guilty on both counts. Here some of my co-workers are hooping it up. In their pamphlet it says this about hooping, "It will disrupt limiting body patterns and will begin to promote healing and rejuvenation in your body while stimulating greater mental clarity." I am all for that, and you thought it was just for kids.

Check out their website for more information on classes, workshops, hoop jams, and other events at www.hoopingharmony.com
Warning: Hooping has been known to create radical joy, silliness and all over body fitness and well-being.
Info has been shamelessly "borrowed" from their pamphlet.
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