Colebrook, CT - I stopped by Colebrook last weekend and was going to stop in the general store but to my suprise it was closed and for sale...very sad. I hope someone buys it and opens it back up. A business is hard enough but one off the beaten path must be even harder. I guess a general store is going the way of the family farm. So if we want these general stores to be around, do as I do, stop by and buy something! I AM GOING TO POST MORE TODAY 11-08-10 Click to view
Labels: Colebrook CT, General Store
Owning a general store off the beaten path sounds like it would be a great way to make a living. I guess only if one didn't actually need to make a living. I hope someone buys it.
Congrats on being number two on the blog village list. I hope you will consider participating in the upcoming carnival about money.
I can't believe it closed! My husband LOVED their whoopie pies and Eclairs. I would often make the trip to get him some for his birthday. Does anyone know where I can get the recipe for them?
Boo! I grew up in Colebrook on Rt. 182A, and before I was old enough to drive, I would walk to the general store for goodies. I still remember the creak and subtle slope of the old wooden floor, and the pleasant smells...if I had the money, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
I got an urge tonight to revisit the Colebrook Store and any updates. I knew it'd closed/was closing some time ago. I miss it sooo much when I go back to visit relations still there. A friend and I got eclairs from George Wilbur a few years before the store closed and they lasted us all the way to Maryland!
Tonight I've been watching an ol' film Trip to Bountiful, so had to visit "home" myself again. Recently went up Rt.183 and saw two wonderful restaurants long gone now and the little store by the lake is closed also. I used to depend on all those when my daughter and I made the trip down to see Grammy in Colebrook (we lived in Lake Placid).
I grew up in Colebrook on Millbrook Rd. - my father's land was most of the land on the little road until the milk coops wouldn't pick up his milk anymore so he was forced to gradually sell off acreage.
Well, accolades to your photos!
Sincerely, Jacqui (Otto) Steinberg
Colebrook Store to reopen soon!!!!
It is open! ate lunch there today... terrific.
Are the whoopie pies the same as they used to be from this place or better?
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