New London, CT - This is The New London Lighthouse, it is located on the West side of the entrance to New London Harbor. The station was established in 1761, the lighthouse was built in 1801 and was automated in 1912. The house in the foreground is not part of the lighthouse, the keepers house is privately owned and I was told that they frown upon anyone going in their yard. I guess that is the price you pay to have a lighthouse in your yard. The lighthouse is 89 feet tall and is the oldest lighthouse in Connecticut.

This is the second lighthouse called the New London Ledge Light. It is in the mouth of the Thames River. It was built in 1909 of brick and Granite and is 58 feet high. It was automated in 1987. Sorry about the quality of the photos. It is a good ways off shore and really should be viewed from a boat. These photos were both taken with a telephoto lense.

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