Blandford, MA - OK, it's not Aspen but it is an example of many small ski areas that dot the New England Countryside. It is an affordable place to spend a Saturday skiing with the family without going broke. The terrain might not be that difficult but when you break it down, skiing is basically sliding down a hill with boards on your feet(spoken like a non-skier)isn't that the fun of it?. Years ago I used to ski at night, in the woods, at break neck speed, on cross country skis, alone. Now that is a good way to kill yourself...and it doesn't cost anything to do it.
Labels: Blandford MA, Skiing
I have never been snow skiing. Alabama never got enough snow where I lived to ski and Chicago is so danged flat! LOL
Beautiful pictures!
I love the ski areas in western Mass. They are actually affordable which makes up for the fact that they aren't quite as big as the mountains in Vermont and New Hampshire. It's hard to do much skiing in the winter when lift tickets cost $70 at a lot of places.
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