Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Windsor Locks, CT - Here are migrant workers in a tobacco field; I can only assume that they are weeding. I felt sorry for them because it has been extremely hot and humid lately. Connecticut and Southern Massachusetts around the Connecticut River Valley is where shade grown tobacco comes from, as you can see the fields are covered with fabric that looks like cheese cloth. Shade grown is the tobacco that cigars are wrapped with.
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  1. Hi - so glad to find your photo! Brings back good memories! I am writing a book and every chapter is one of my jobs I have had...I worked in the So. Hadley area fields for about three summers in high school...I LOVED IT! It actually made me consider being a migrant farm worker. If you would like, I could send you that chapter. (It's only a page or two.)

  2. r ya hiring cuz im looking to start asap as soon as tomorrow. if yes send me a message at my email katherine7garcia@yahoo.com
